The Dutch Polish Trade Award (DPTA) is a joint initiative of the Dutch - Polish Center for Trade (NPCH) and the Dutch - Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw. This year the DPTA is awarded for the sixth time and aims to positively highlight and stimulate the economic relations between the Netherlands and Poland. A Delegation from the Nyenrode Business University in Breukelen, the Netherlands and the Kozminsky University in Warsaw, Poland visited the participating companies in Poland and reported their findings to the jury.
An expert jury selects a Polish-Dutch company that has developed business in Poland in an imaginative, innovative and successful manner. The selection criteria for the Dutch Polish Trade Award are: proven track record, social commitment and added value for the Polish economy, size of the Polish business, business growth in Poland, Corporate Social Responsibility, innovation and finally personal entrepreneurship. This year particular attention was paid to the way in which companies engage in Sustainable Entrepreneurship. The Nyenrode students have explored this aspect in depth. Emphasis was put on how companies today and in the future give substance to this concept, what the economic principles they embrace and in what way they take managerial responsibility for this development.
According to the jury report Dutron outperformed the other participants on all of these criteria.
In his acceptance speech Paul Wijdicks dedicated the Dutch Polish Trade Award 2010 to Mr. Robert van Beusekom, the founder of Dutron. After all it was he who had the idea and saw the opportunity to start with Dutron more than twenty years ago. Together with his son Ralph they build the company over the years to what it is today. Unfortunately Mr Robert van Beusekom passed away in March 2009. We see this prize as a tribute to his dedication, his work and lifetime achievement for Dutron.
Paul Wijdicks, commercieel manager of Dutron,
holding the Dutch Polish Trade Award 2010